1 Introduction

The objective of this notebook is to illustrate how to perform treatment effect estimation with missing attributes on a small toy example. By replacing the toy example with the dataset of your choice (following the format instructions below) you can estimate average treatment effects (ATE) on your own data.

For more information and details on the theoretical background of the methodology, we refer to (Mayer et al. 2020).

You can replace the chunks rename_data and confounders with any data set you wish to analyze. For this, you have to specify:

  • X.na: confounders. A data.frame of size #observations x #covariates. With or without missing values.
  • W: treatment assignment. A binary vector coded either with {0,1} or with {FALSE,TRUE} (representing {control,treatment}). Without missing values.
  • Y: observed outcome. A numerical or binary vector (if binary, then coded with {0,1}). Without missing values.

And at the end of the chunk rename_data, set synthetic=FALSE, if you choose your own data set.

If X.na contains confounders but also other covariates that are not to be considered as confounders in the analysis, specify the names of the confounders in the chunk confounders and the role of the remaining covariates (either treatment regressors or outcome regressors).

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Load libraries


library(caret) # 
library(ranger) # Random Forests prediction
library(FactoMineR) # Factorial data analysis
library(grf) # Doubly robust treatment effect estimation

library(missMDA) # PCA/MCA with missing values + iterative PC imputation
library(mice) # Multiple imputation 
library(VIM) # Missing values exploration and visualization

# Load the ATE estimation functions `ipw` and `dr` from the GitHub repository
# Load function to generate missing values using different mechanisms from R-miss-tastic

# Set random generator seed for reproducible results

2.2 Generate toy example

We will generate a simple toy data set with normally distributed confounders and MCAR missing values. For generating missing values, we use code provided by (Mayer et al. 2019).

seed <- 4321
n <- 5000 # number of observations
p <- 5 # number of confounders
tau <- 1 # true value of the ATE
perc.NA <- 0.3 # percentage of missing values generated in the confounders
# Here, the relationship between confounders are non-linear, the treatment is 
# generated according to a logistic model but satisfying the unconfoundedness 
# despite missingness assumption (see Mayer 2020). 
# Finally the outcome is generated according to a non-linear model with constant 
# treatment effect.

rho <- 0.3
Sigma <- diag(p) + rho*upper.tri(diag(p)) + rho*lower.tri(diag(p))
X <- mvrnorm(n=n, mu=rep(1, p), Sigma=Sigma)
res.na <- produce_NA(X, mechanism="MCAR", perc.missing=perc.NA, seed=seed)
X.na <- res.na$data.incomp

# nonlinear transformations of X
X.tmp <- X
for (j in 1:p){
  X.tmp[,j] <- (mod(j,5)==1)*((X.tmp[,j]<quantile(X.tmp[,j],0.7)) + (X.tmp[,j]> quantile(X.tmp[,j],0.2))) +
               (mod(j,5)==2)*(1/(0.001+exp(X.tmp[,j]*X.tmp[,1]))) +
               (mod(j,5)==3)*(-(X.tmp[,j])*(X.tmp[,2]>0)) +
               (mod(j,5)==4)*(-2.5*sqrt(abs(X.tmp[,j]))) +

# propensity scores
X.tmp.ps <- X.tmp
X.tmp.ps[res.na$idx_newNA] <- 0
expit <- function(x){ return(1/(1+exp(-x))) }
alpha <- array(c(-0.6, 0.6), dim=p)
prop_scores <- apply(data.frame(X.tmp), MARGIN=1, 
                          FUN=function(z) expit(z%*%alpha))
prop_scores <- 0.01 + (pmin(0.98,prop_scores) - min(prop_scores))/(max(prop_scores)-min(prop_scores))
W <- sapply(prop_scores, FUN=function(p) rbinom(n=1, size=1, prob=p))
# outcome 
epsilons <- rnorm(n, sd=0.2)
Y <- rep(0,n)
beta <- runif(p, -1, 1)

Y[which(W==1)] <- sign(X.tmp[which(W==1),]%*%beta)*log(abs(X.tmp[which(W==1),]%*%beta)) + tau + epsilons[which(W==1)]
Y[which(!(W==1))] <- sign(X.tmp[which(!(W==1)),]%*%beta)*log(abs(X.tmp[which(!(W==1)),]%*%beta)) + epsilons[which(!(W==1))]

toy_data <- list(X=X, X.na=X.na, W=W, Y=Y)

If you want to use your own data set, change the following chunk, following the instructions given in the introduction.

synthetic <- TRUE

X.na <- data.frame(toy_data$X.na)
W <- toy_data$W
Y <- toy_data$Y

covariate_names <- colnames(X.na)
n <- dim(X.na)[1]
p <- dim(X.na)[2]

df.na <- data.frame(cbind(X.na, W=W, Y=Y))
colnames(df.na) <- c(covariate_names, "W", "Y")

In certain cases, not all covariates are necessarily confounders. Therefore we specify the set of confounders (here we consider all covariates to be confounders). Additionally, in some cases there are also variables that are only predictive of the treatment assignment. Their names can be specified in only_treatment_pred_names.

confounder_names <- covariate_names
only_treatment_pred_names <- c()
only_outcome_pred_names <- setdiff(covariate_names, 
                                   c(confounder_names, only_treatment_pred_names))

First we compute the unadjusted ATE, ignoring the confounders.

ate_raw <- mean(Y[which(as.logical(W))]) - mean(Y[which(!as.logical(W))])

This gives us \(ATE_{naive}=\) 1.1095881.

Let us also assess how the outcome is distributed with respect to the treatment group.

From these two variables, \(W\) and \(Y\), we can compute the following descriptive statistics:

  • Average outcome: \(\widehat {\mathbb{E}}[Y] =\) 0.53
  • \(\widehat {Pr}(Treatment=1)=\) 0.3906
  • \(\widehat {\mathbb{E}}[(Y \,\mid\, Treatment=1)]=\) 1.2107948
  • \(\widehat {\mathbb{E}}[(Y \,\mid\, Treatment=0)]=\) 0.1012067

3 Imputation

Before handling missing values, it is important to explore the data and to take a look at the missing values which might exhibit certain patterns. See the appendix for an example of how to graphically examine the pattern of missing values.

And for a comprehensive overview on missing values handling in statistical analysis with R, we refer to the 2-day course Dealing With Missing Values in R by Julie Josse at ETH Zürich (2020).

To estimate ATE with missing values, we will use different strategies. First, we will impute data to get a completed data set and estimate ATE using classical estimators (IPW and the doubly robust AIPW).This approach assumes Missing At Random values and classical unconfoundedness assumption.

We will impute the data with two different methods, iterative PCA and mice.

Note that we use both the outcome variable and the treatment assignment in the imputation model as recommended by (Seaman and White 2014).

3.1 Via principal components

We now perform a single imputation with a (regularized) iterative PCA model, which will allow imputation to take into account similarities between both individuals and relationships between variables. For more details, see (Lê, Josse, and Husson 2008).

First we find the optimal number of dimensions for the imputation method by cross-validation.

Note that if your data X.na contains only qualitative variables (i.e., categorical data), replace estim_ncpFAMD with estim_ncpMCA.

ncomp <- estim_ncpFAMD(data.frame(X.na, W = as.factor(W), Y = Y),
                        ncp.min = 1,
                        ncp.max = p,
                        method = "Regularized",
                        method.cv = "Kfold",
                        nbsim = 10,
                        verbose = TRUE)

plot(1:length(ncomp$criterion), ncomp$criterion, xlab = "nb dim", ylab = "MSEP")

On this toy example, we do not run the above chunk to speed up the calculations. We will arbitrarily set ncp=3.

Same as for the ncomp_all chunk, replace imputeFAMD with imputeMCA.

ncp <- 3
df.tmp <- data.frame(X.na, W = as.factor(W), Y = Y)
colnames(df.tmp) <- colnames(df.na)
df.imp.pc <- data.frame(imputeFAMD(df.tmp, ncp=ncp, seed=seed)$completeObs)
levels(df.imp.pc$W) <- c(0,1)
df.imp.pc$W <- as.numeric(as.character(df.imp.pc$W)) 
# Remark:
# many causal inference functions use the treatment as numeric and not as factor 
# even though it is a binary treatment.

3.2 MICE

We also do a multiple imputation analysis, using the mice package. We impute the data m=5 times.

m <- 5
df.imp.mice <- mice(df.na, m=m, seed=seed, printFlag=F)

4 ATE estimation

We illustrate here how to estimate the ATE. To estimate other estimands such as ATT and ATC, you can change the variable target in the chunk choose_target below to

  • target="treated" for the ATT
  • target ="control" for the ATC
  • target=,"overlap" for the ATE with overlap weights
target <- "all"

We estimate the ATE with two different estimators (IPW and Double Robust) and two possibilities to estimate nuisance parameters (i.e., the propensity scores and the conditional response surfaces). A classical choice for nuisance parameter estimation in causal inference applications is the use of generalized linear models (in practice, mostly logistic and linear models), which we use with the glm function. And more recently, more complex and flexible models became available, such as generalized regression forest (Athey, Tibshirani, and Wager 2019).

The (non-normalized) IPW estimator has the following expression:

\[\hat{\tau}_{IPW} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\frac{W_iY_i}{\hat{e}(X_i)} - \frac{(1-X_i)Y_i}{1-\hat{e}(X_i)}\right),\] and the doubly robust AIPW estimator can be written as follows: \[\hat{\tau}_{DR} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \hat{\mu}_1(X_i) - \hat{\mu}_0(X_i) + W_i\frac{Y_i-\hat{\mu}_1(X_i)}{\hat{e}(X_i)} - (1-W_i)\frac{Y_i-\hat{\mu}_0(X_i)}{1-\hat{e}(X_i)}\]

When \(X\) is incomplete (i.e., we effectively work with \(X^* = X\odot R + \{NA\}\odot (1-R)\) where \(R\) is the binary response pattern of \(X\) indicating by \(1\) the observed values), and we assume the unconfoundedness despite missingness assumption, then the nuisance parameters \(e, \mu_0, \mu_1\) and their estimations in the above expressions are replaced by their generalized counterparts, e.g., \(e^*(x^*) = \mathbb{P}[W_i=1|X_i^*=x^*]\). For more details, see (Mayer et al. 2020)(http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/20-AOAS1356).

treatment_effect_estimates <- function(data, target="all",
                                       seed=NULL) {
  if (is.null(confounder_names)) {
    confounder_names <- setdiff(colnames(data), c("W","Y"))
  results <- list()
  results <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0), row.names = NULL)
  # If there are no missing values in the data
  if (sum(is.na(data))==0){
    # Compute IPW normalized or not with logistic regression to estimate the weights  
    tmp <- ipw(X=data[, confounder_names], 
               outcome=data$Y, treat=as.logical(data$W),
               ps.method="glm", target=target, 
    results <- rbind(results,
                     cbind("glm", "IPW_normalized_weights", tmp[[1]], tmp[[3]]))
    results <- rbind(results,
                     cbind("glm", "IPW_unnormalized_weights", tmp[[2]], tmp[[4]]))
  # Compute the Doubly Robust estimator using logistic regression to estimate the 
  # propensity score and generalized random forest for the outcome model    
  tmp <- dr(X=data[, confounder_names], 
              X.for.ps = data[, c(only_treatment_pred_names,confounder_names)],
              X.for.outcome = data[, c(only_outcome_pred_names,confounder_names)],
              outcome = data$Y, treat = as.logical(data$W),
              ps.method = "glm.grf", out.method = "glm.grf",
              target = target, 
    results <- rbind(results,
                     cbind("glm", "DR", tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]]))    
  # Compute IPW (normalized or unnormalized) with generalized random forest 
  # (with Missing Incorporate in Attributes if data is incomplete) 
  # to estimate the weights  
  tmp <- ipw(X=data[, confounder_names], 
               outcome=data$Y, treat=as.logical(data$W),
               ps.method="grf", target=target,
    results <- rbind(results,
                     cbind("grf", "IPW_normalized_weights", tmp[[1]], tmp[[3]]))
    results <- rbind(results,
                     cbind("grf", "IPW_unnormalized_weights", tmp[[2]], tmp[[4]]))

  # Compute the doubly robust estimator with generalized random forest 
  # (with Missing Incorporate in Attributes if data is incomplete)
  # to estimate the propensity score and the outcome model
  tmp <- dr(X=data[, confounder_names],
            X.for.ps = data[, c(only_treatment_pred_names,confounder_names)],
            X.for.outcome = data[, c(only_outcome_pred_names,confounder_names)],
            outcome = data$Y, treat = as.logical(data$W),
            ps.method = "grf.ate", out.method = "grf.ate",
            target = target,
  results <- rbind(results,
                   cbind("grf", "DR", tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]]))
  colnames(results) <- c("Nuisance.estimation",
  results$Value <- as.numeric(results$Value)
  results$StandardError <- as.numeric(results$StandardError)

Using the imputed data set imputed by principal component method, we compute the IPW (normalized and unnormalized version) estimator with propensity scores estimated via logistic regression or via generalized random forest and the doubly robust AIPW estimator with logistic regression (for propensity scores) and logistic/linear regression (depending on the outcome type) or with two generalized random forests.

results_pc_imp <- treatment_effect_estimates(df.imp.pc, target = target, seed = seed)
## Warning in average_treatment_effect(tau.forest, target.sample = target, :
## Estimated treatment propensities go as low as 0.009 which means that treatment
## effects for some controls may not be well identified. In this case, using
## `target.sample=treated` may be helpful.

Using the imputed data sets imputed by mice, we compute the IPW and AIPW estimators on each data set like on the data set above. The different estimations are then aggregated using Rubin’s rules (Rubin 2004).

res_tmp <- complete(df.imp.mice, "all") %>% lapply(treatment_effect_estimates,target=target, seed=seed)
res_val <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(res_tmp, "[", , "Value")))
res_se <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(res_tmp, "[", , "StandardError")))
results_mice_imp <- cbind(res_tmp[[1]][,1:2], 
                          apply(res_val,2, mean), 
                                 function(j) sqrt(mean(res_se[,j]^2*n)+ (1+1/m)*sum((res_val[,j]-mean(res_val[,j]))^2)/(m-1))/sqrt(n)))
colnames(results_mice_imp) <- colnames(res_tmp[[1]]) 

Using the “raw” data without pre-processing of the missing values, i.e., using the data with NAs in the covariates, we compute the IPW estimator with propensity scores estimated via generalized random forests with Missing Incorporated in Attributes (MIA) and the DR estimator with two generalized random forests with MIA.

results_mia <- treatment_effect_estimates(df.na, target=target, seed=seed)

5 Results

5.1 Table of all results

ATE estimations
NA.handling Nuisance.estimation Estimate Value StandardError
pc.imp glm IPW_normalized_weights 1.27 0.09
pc.imp glm IPW_unnormalized_weights 1.15 0.08
pc.imp glm DR 1.13 0.06
pc.imp grf IPW_normalized_weights 1.03 0.05
pc.imp grf IPW_unnormalized_weights 1.10 0.05
pc.imp grf DR 1.02 0.04
mice glm IPW_normalized_weights 1.07 0.06
mice glm IPW_unnormalized_weights 1.02 0.06
mice glm DR 1.00 0.05
mice grf IPW_normalized_weights 0.95 0.04
mice grf IPW_unnormalized_weights 1.01 0.05
mice grf DR 0.95 0.04
mia grf IPW_normalized_weights 1.00 0.04
mia grf IPW_unnormalized_weights 1.04 0.05
mia grf DR 0.98 0.03

5.2 Plots

We will plot all the previously calculated results.

6 Appendix

6.1 Missing values visualization

In general settings, we don’t know how the missing values are generated. So let’s look at the matrix plot to identify if there are any variables that tend to be missing together:

matrixplot(X.na, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.3)

## Click in a column to sort by the corresponding variable.
## To regain use of the VIM GUI and the R console, click outside the plot region.

We can also run a Multiple Correspondance Analysis on the missing and non missing entries to double check our conclusion and to check if other groups of variables tend to be missing together (this is not the case here):

data_miss <- data.frame(is.na(X.na))
data_miss <- apply(X=data_miss, FUN=function(x) if(x) "m" else "o", MARGIN=c(1,2))
res.mca <- MCA(data_miss, graph = FALSE)
plot(res.mca, invis = "ind", title = "MCA graph of the categories", cex =0.5)

Finally, a useful graph can be the barplot of the proportion of missing values in each variable (especially useful in real world data to identify (groups of) variables with important fractions missing values)

variable.names <- colnames(X.na)
na.data <- sapply(X.na, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))

missing.data <- as.data.frame(cbind(variable.names, na.data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
missing.data[-1] <- apply(missing.data[-1], 1:2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
rownames(missing.data) <- NULL

missing.data.reshaped <- reshape2::melt(missing.data, id.var="variable.names")

na_plot <- ggplot(missing.data.reshaped, aes(x = reorder(variable.names, value), y = (100 * value / n), fill=variable)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity",show.legend=F) + 
  theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle=65,hjust=1, size = 12), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(face="bold", 
                                   size=14)) +
  xlab("Variable") + ylab("Percentage") +
  labs(title="Percentage of missing values", cex=0.7)

6.2 Balance plots

The standardized mean differences (SMD) higher than some threshold th, for instance th=0.1, indicate that the covariate distributions in the two groups differ: the treatment is not given uniformly at random. This explains the need for some adjustment or balancing in order to perform a causal analysis of the treatment on a certain outcome.

We use propensity score estimations from the grf package.

We also use these computed weights to look at the balance of the response pattern. This allows us to graphically assess the plausibility of the unconfoundedness despite missingness assumption required for identifiability of the treatment effect with missing attributes via Missing Incorporated in Attributes (MIA) criterion.

6.2.1 On X.imp.pc

6.2.2 On X.imp.mice

6.2.3 On X.na using MIA


Athey, Susan, Julie Tibshirani, and Stefan Wager. 2019. “Generalized Random Forests.” Annals of Statistics 47 (2): 1148–78. https://doi.org/10.1214/18-AOS1709.

Lê, Sébastien, Julie Josse, and François Husson. 2008. “FactoMineR: An R Package for Multivariate Analysis.” Journal of Statistical Software 25 (1): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v025.i01.

Mayer, Imke, Julie Josse, Nicholas Tierney, and Nathalie Vialaneix. 2019. “R-Miss-Tastic: A Unified Platform for Missing Values Methods and Workflows.” arXiv Preprint. https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.04822.

Mayer, Imke, Erik Sverdrup, Tobias Gauss, Jean-Denis Moyer, Stefan Wager, and Julie Josse. 2020. “Doubly Robust Treatment Effect Estimation with Missing Attributes.” Annals of Applied Statistics 14 (3): 1409–31. https://doi.org/10.1214/20-AOAS1356.

Rubin, Donald B. 2004. Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. Vol. 81. John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470316696.

Seaman, Shaun, and Ian White. 2014. “Inverse Probability Weighting with Missing Predictors of Treatment Assignment or Missingness.” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 43 (16): 3499–3515. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2012.700371.