Comparison of autoencoders and classical methods to impute missing values for continuous variables
François Husson, Professor in Statistics, Rennes
The purpose of this notebook is to compare in terms of imputation different autoencoders:
MIDA, a denoising autoencoder proposed by Lovedeep Gondara ande Wang (2018) in MIDAÂ : Multiple Imputation using Denoising Autoencoders,
SDAi, a denoising autoencoder proposed by Abiri et al. (2019) in Establishing strong imputation performance of a denoising autoencoder in a wide range of missing data problems,
MIWAE, a variational autoencoder proposed by Mattei et Frellsen (2019) in MIWAEÂ : Deep Generative Modelling and Imputation of Incomplete Data Sets,
ImputePCA, function from the R package missMDA, viewed as a linear autoencoder
to the classical methods of imputation:
RandomForest, iterative imputation using an estimator based on random forests from sklearn.impute.
Mean, the naive imputation by the mean.
This notebook is composed of 4 parts:
This notebook contains both Python and R code. Installing tensorflow and torch can be difficult, as can installing missMDA in R, please follow these instructions.
The right environment with all the packages installed is available here: download the file and in a terminal do: conda env create -f deep-husson-env.yml.
Install ipykernel
Activate a kernel related to our environment: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=deep-husson-env
Launch jupyter notebook (in the terminal)
Choose the kernel deep-husson-env
If you do not want to use the available environment, in a terminal:
Create a new environment: conda create --name deep-husson-env
Activate the new environment: conda activate deep-husson-env
Install packages python (e.g. tensorflow, torch, pandas, scikit-learn, rpy2): use conda install (lines of code available here), pip install should be used as a last resort
In a R session (in the terminal), install missMDA: install.packages(‘missMDA’)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import torch
import torchvision
import torch.nn as nn
import scipy.stats
import scipy.sparse
from import loadmat
import torch.distributions as td
from torch import nn, optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image
device = torch.device("cpu")
# Load the extension of python to use R.
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
# Packages to load in R
%R library(missMDA)
%R library(mvtnorm)
#To check if all the needed packages are in your R session.
from Deep_Notebook_introduceNA import *
from Deep_Notebook_methods import *
First, we choose the proportion of the dataset for validation, a vector for the percentages of missing values to be tested and the number of version created for each percentage of missing values.
## Parameters
valid_size = 0.3 #Proportion of the dataset for validation
t = [0.1,0.2,0.3] # Percentage of NA
version = 10 # Number of versions created for each percentage of NA
NA = [str(int(k*100)) for k in t] # Percentage of NA as a character string
In this part, a complete dataset $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times d}$ is generated. Different models can be chosen:
linear relation between the covariates. More particularly,
non-linear relation between the covariates.
The function in R create_complete_dataset allows to create a complete dataset $X$ in such ways. The arguments are detailed as follows
: seed to reproduct the simulations.
: number of observations in $X$.
: number of covariates in $X$.
: variance of the noise $\epsilon$.
: "linear" or "non-linear".
: if modSimu="linear"
, it indicates how much colomns are equal to $x_1$ and $x_2$.
: if modSimu="linear"
, the mean vector of $(x_1,x_2)$.
: if modSimu="linear"
, the covariance matrix of $(x_1,x_2)$.
: if modSimu="non-linear"
, the scale-parameter to use.
create_complete_dataset <- function(seed,nind,d,noise,modSimu,k=NULL,mu=NULL,Sigma=NULL,fn=NULL){
if (modSimu == "linear"){
X <- rmvnorm(nind, mu.X, Sigma.X)
X <- X[,c(rep(1,round(d*k)),rep(2,d-round(d*k)))]
X <- X + matrix(rnorm(nind*d,0,noise),ncol=d)
tab <- X
if (modSimu == "non-linear"){
un <- runif(nind,0,2*pi)
tab <- matrix(NA,nind,d)
for (j in 1:d) tab[,j]= sin(fn * (2 * pi * (j-1)/d + un)) +rnorm(nind,0,noise)
The path indicates where the dataset is located and where files with missing values will be created. Think about adapting the way of uploading the dataset (pd.read_csv, pd.read_table...)
#Directory for data and results
path = './'
seed <- 6451
nind <- 300
noise <- 0.1
d <- 5
#k <- 0.6
#mu <- c(1, 1)
#Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 4), nrow = 2)
modSimu <- "non-linear"
fn <- c(rep(1,d))
tab <- create_complete_dataset(seed,nind,d,noise,modSimu,fn=fn)
tab_p = %R tab
data = pd.DataFrame(tab_p)
column = data.columns
nind_p = %R nind
noise_p = %R noise
d_p = %R d
nom_data = 'simu_nind{0}_noise{1}_d{2}'.format(int(nind_p[0]),int(100*noise_p[0]),int(d_p[0]))
rows, cols = data.shape
shuffled_index = np.random.permutation(rows)
train_index = shuffled_index[:int(rows*(1-valid_size))]
valid_index = shuffled_index[int(rows*(1-valid_size)):]
train_data = data.iloc[train_index, :]
valid_data = data.iloc[valid_index, :]
#Standardization of the variables
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X_t = scaler.transform(train_data)
X_v = scaler.transform(valid_data)
X_train = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(train_data))
X_train.columns = column
X_Valid = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(valid_data))
X_Valid.columns = column
X_train.to_csv(path+'X_train.csv', index = True)
X_Valid.to_csv(path+'X_Valid.csv', index = True)
To introduce missing values, we use the function missing_method of the MIDA's article to add missing values with MCAR or MAR mechanism, when the unaivability of the data does not depend on the data values (MCAR) or depends on the values of the observed variables (MAR).
The function missing_method has the following arguments:
: complete dataset.
: type of the process which causes the lack of data: "mcar" or "mar".
: ...
: percentage of missing values to introduce.
Missing values are imputed by the mean as an initialization step of the algorithms.
z = 0
mecha = 'mcar'
for prop_NA in t:
for i in range(1,version+1,1):
# Add missing values
missed_data, mask = missing_method(X_train, mechanism=mecha, method='uniform', t = prop_NA)
mask = np.invert(mask)
missed_valid, mask_valid = missing_method(X_Valid, mechanism=mecha, method='uniform', t = prop_NA)
mask_valid = np.invert(mask_valid)
# Impute by the mean
missed_data = imput_mean(missed_data,mask)
missed_valid = imput_mean(missed_valid,mask_valid)
# Export as csv
missed_data.to_csv(path+'missed_data_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(NA[z], i), index = True)
mask_export = pd.DataFrame(mask)
mask_export.to_csv(path+'mask_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(NA[z], i), index = False)
mask_export = pd.DataFrame(mask_valid)
mask_export.to_csv(path+'mask_valid_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(NA[z], i), index = False)
missed_valid.to_csv(path+'missed_valid_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(NA[z], i), index = True)
z += 1
In this part the algorithms are optimized. We test for the different autoencoders various structures (more or less layers, more or less nodes and 2 types of activation functions for MIDA, SDAI pt and SDAI spt) and for RandomForest various numbers of trees and different levels of depth.
If this part is executed independently of the previous one, please remove the '#' from the next cell and fill in the fields.
versions = [k for k in range(1,version+1)]
### Number of times for which a same combination is evaluated.
rep = 1
###Tested algorithms
###Names of the algorithms:
# - MIDA
# - SDAI spt/pt: without pre-training (spt) or with (pt)
# - RF : RandomForest
# - mean
#article = ['MIDA','SDAI pt','SDAI spt','MIWAE','RF','mean']
article = ['mean','MIWAE','RF']
#Number of variables in the dataset
#(useful to create the layers in autoencoders)
columns_name = pd.read_csv(path+'X_train.csv'.format(NA), sep =',')
columns_name = columns_name.columns
nb_var = len(columns_name)-1
### Size of the bachs
bs = 50
### Number of epochs
n_epochs = 50
### Dimension of the latent space
dim_lat = 10
### Number of IS during the training
K = 20
### Number of units for each layer (this number is the same for all layers).
### Encoder and decoder are multi-layer perceptrons with 3 hidden layers
###Size of the bachs
batch_size = 32
###Number of epochs for the pre training
num_epochs_pt = 10
###Number of epochs for the fine tuning
num_epochs_ft = 40
###Structures evaluated for each autoencoder.
#Ex for MIDA: [15,20] = input layer -> encoder with 15 units -> latent layer with 20 units -> decoder with 15 units -> output layer
layers = {'MIDA':[[25, 30], [25, 35], [25, 40], [25, 28, 30], [25, 30, 35],
[25, 30, 40], [25, 30, 45], [25, 30, 35, 40]],
# [25, 30, 40, 50]],
'SDAI spt':[[18, 14], [18, 10], [18, 8], [18, 16, 14], [18, 12, 6],
[18, 14, 10, 6]],
'SDAI pt':[[18, 14], [18, 10], [18, 8], [18, 16, 14], [18, 12, 6],
[18, 14, 10, 6]],
### Activated function
activ = ['relu','tanh']
### Activated function for the layer output
output_activ = 'sigmoid'
### Rate of cut pathways
dropout_rate = 0.5
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.01)
We now create output files with the results of the algorithms.
The following informations are available:
with open(path + 'Results_{}.csv'.format(nom_data), 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file,delimiter=';')
Here, for each algorithm, each percentage of missing values and each file version for a percentage of missing values, all architecture(number of layers and nodes)/activation function combinations are searched for, whereby only ReLU is tested for MIWAE. The previously created csv file compiles the results (=RMSE) obtained from the test files.
for art in article:
for val in NA:
for vers in versions:
mask = pd.read_csv(path+'mask_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(val,vers))
mask = np.array(mask)
missed_data = pd.read_csv(path+'missed_data_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(val,vers), index_col = 0)
missed_data = np.array(missed_data)
xhat_0 = np.copy(missed_data)
n = missed_data.shape[0]
mask_valid = pd.read_csv(path+'mask_valid_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(val,vers))
mask_valid = np.array(mask_valid)
missed_valid = pd.read_csv(path+'missed_valid_{0}_v{1}.csv'.format(val,vers), index_col = 0)
missed_valid = np.array(missed_valid)
X_valid = pd.read_csv(path+'X_valid.csv', index_col = 0)
X_valid = np.array(X_valid)
X_train = pd.read_csv(path+'X_train.csv', index_col = 0)
X_train = np.array(X_train)
if art not in ['mean','RF','MIWAE']:
###Management of data for the denoising autoencoders
#####################################Dataset with NA tensorflow
miss_dataset =
label_name='Unnamed: 0',
shuffle = False,
miss_dataset =
features_miss, labels_miss = next(iter(miss_dataset))
#####################################Reference dataset tensorflow
train_dataset =
label_name='Unnamed: 0',
shuffle = False,
train_dataset =
features_train, labels_train = next(iter(train_dataset))
#####################################Dataset valid tensorflow
if int(mask.shape[0]/batch_size)==mask.shape[0]/batch_size:
num_b = int(mask.shape[0]/batch_size)
num_b = int(mask.shape[0]/batch_size) + 1
valid_dataset =
label_name='Unnamed: 0',
shuffle = False,
valid_dataset =
features_valid, labels_valid = next(iter(valid_dataset))
for layers_dense in layers[art]:
print('###################################Percentage NA:',val)
for factiv in activ:
for repet in range(rep):
if art == 'SDAI pt' :
###el for the encoder layers and dl for the decoder layers
el, dl, dense = pre_training(missed_data, X_valid, num_epochs_pt, output_activ, layers_dense, factiv, miss_dataset, valid_dataset, batch_size, opt, mask)
NaN_sdae = keras.models.Sequential()
for k in range(0,len(dense),1):
for k in range(0,len(dense),1):
ind = k + 1
elif art == 'SDAI spt' :
dense = layers_AE(layers_dense, factiv)
NaN_sdae = keras.models.Sequential()
for k in range(0,len(dense),1):
for k in range(0,len(dense),1):
ind = k+ 1
if ind != len(dense):
NaN_sdae.add(DenseTranspose(dense[-ind], activation = factiv))
NaN_sdae.add(DenseTranspose(dense[-ind], activation = output_activ))
elif art == 'MIDA' :
NaN_sdae = keras.models.Sequential()
for k in range(0,len(layers_dense),1):
NaN_sdae.add(keras.layers.Dense(layers_dense[k], activation = factiv))
for k in range(0,len(layers_dense)-1,1):
ind = k + 2
NaN_sdae.add(keras.layers.Dense(layers_dense[-ind], activation = factiv))
NaN_sdae.add(keras.layers.Dense(nb_var, activation = output_activ))
history = train_all(NaN_sdae, num_epochs_ft, opt, mask, miss_dataset, valid_dataset, batch_size)
predictions = NaN_sdae(np.array(missed_valid)).numpy()
### RMSE
mask_NA = np.invert(mask_valid)
data = missed_valid.copy()
data[mask_NA] = predictions[mask_NA]
ref = np.array(X_valid)
RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((ref[mask_NA]-predictions[mask_NA]))))
print('RMSE: ', RMSE)
#write the results in the csv file
with open(path + 'Results_{0}.csv'.format(nom_data), 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter = ';')
elif art == 'MIWAE':
for h in units:
for repet in range(rep):
print('###################################Percentage of NA:',val)
print('###################################Value of the hidden units:',h)
### Prior Gaussien
p_z = td.Independent(td.Normal(loc=torch.zeros(dim_lat).to(device),scale=torch.ones(dim_lat).to(device)),1)
### 'ReLU' can be replaced by 'Tanh'
encoder = nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(nb_var, h),
torch.nn.Linear(h, h),
torch.nn.Linear(h, 2*dim_lat),
### the decoder gives the mean, the scale and the degree of freedom
decoder = nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(dim_lat, h),
torch.nn.Linear(h, h),
torch.nn.Linear(h, 3*nb_var),
# Matrix of the imputed/generated data
xhat = np.copy(xhat_0)
optimizer = optim.Adam(list(encoder.parameters()) + list(decoder.parameters()),lr=1e-3)
loss_train = []
for ep in range(1,n_epochs):
perm = np.random.permutation(n)
batches_data = np.array_split(xhat_0[perm,], n/bs)
batches_mask = np.array_split(mask[perm,], n/bs)
for it in range(len(batches_data)):
b_data = torch.from_numpy(batches_data[it]).float().to(device)
b_mask = torch.from_numpy(batches_mask[it]).float().to(device)
loss = miwae_loss(iota_x = b_data,mask = b_mask, d = dim_lat, K = K, p_z = p_z, encoder = encoder, decoder = decoder)
### Impute the values
missed_valid[~mask_valid] = miwae_impute(iota_x = torch.from_numpy(missed_valid).float().to(device),mask = torch.from_numpy(mask_valid).float().to(device),L=10, d = dim_lat, p_z = p_z, encoder = encoder, decoder = decoder).cpu().data.numpy()[~mask_valid]
err = np.array([rmse(missed_valid,X_valid,mask_valid)])
print('RMSE : %g' %err)
with open(path + 'Results_{0}.csv'.format(nom_data), 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter = ';')
print('###################################Percentage NA:',val)
layers_dense = '--'
factiv = '--'
history = ['--','--']
if art == 'RF':
# parameters = {'n_estimators':[30], 'max_depth': [7]}
# parameters = {'n_estimators':[5,10,20,30,40,50], 'max_depth': [1,3,5,7,9]}
parameters = {'n_estimators':[5,10], 'max_depth': [1,3,5]}
perf = []
param = []
mask_NA = np.invert(mask)
missed_data[mask_NA] = np.nan
for A in parameters['n_estimators']:
for B in parameters['max_depth']:
missRF = IterativeImputer(estimator=ExtraTreesRegressor(n_estimators = A, max_depth = B))
res = missRF.transform(missed_data)
data = missed_data.copy()
data[mask_NA] = res[mask_NA]
ref = np.array(X_train)
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((ref[mask_NA]-res[mask_NA]))))
RFimput = IterativeImputer(random_state=0, estimator=ExtraTreesRegressor(n_estimators = param[np.argmin(perf)][0], max_depth = param[np.argmin(perf)][1]))
test = missed_valid.copy()
mask_NA = np.invert(mask_valid)
test[mask_NA] = np.nan
predictions = RFimput.transform(test)
elif art == 'mean':
predictions = missed_valid
### RMSE
mask_NA = np.invert(mask_valid)
data = missed_valid.copy()
data[mask_NA] = predictions[mask_NA]
ref = np.array(X_valid)
RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((ref[mask_NA]-predictions[mask_NA]))))
print('RMSE: ', RMSE)
#Write the results in a csv file
with open(path + 'Results_{0}.csv'.format(nom_data), 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file,delimiter=';')
percentages = NA
%R -i percentages
%R -i path
%R -i nom_data
%R -i version
percentages <- unlist(percentages)
ref = read.csv(paste(path,'X_train.csv', sep =''), header = T, sep=',')[,-1]
list_rmse = c()*length(percentages)
for (k in percentages){
for (i in seq(1,version,1)){
data = read.csv(paste(path,'missed_data_',k,'_v',i,'.csv', sep =''), header = T, sep=',')[,-1]
mask = read.csv(paste(path,'mask_',k,'_v',i,'.csv', sep =''), header = T, sep=',')
mask_bis = matrix(TRUE, nrow = dim(mask)[1], ncol = dim(mask)[2])
mask_bis[which(mask[,]!='True')] = F
NAA=replace(data, !mask_bis, NA)
nb = estim_ncpPCA(,ncp.max=5)
res.comp = imputePCA(,ncp=nb$ncp)
rmse = sqrt(mean(((res.comp$completeObs-ref)[!mask_bis])**2))
print(paste('rmse: ',rmse))
list_rmse = c(list_rmse,rmse)
df <-"PCA",length(percentages)),t(t(percentages)),rep('',2),rep('',2),rep('',2),list_rmse)
The code below provides:
If this part is used independently of the others, remember to remove the '#' and change 'path' and 'data_name'. Note also that the plot is only possible for the autoencoders (non-linear) which are: MIDA, SDAI pt, SDAI spt and MIWAE; the average does not have a structure to be optimized and the optimization of RandomForest is not of interest in our study.
algo = 'MIWAE'
nom_fichier = 'Results_{0}.csv'.format(nom_data)
#Import results
res = pd.read_csv(path + nom_fichier, sep=';')
data = res[res['Algorithm']== algo]
NA = list(data['Percent_NA'].unique())
layers = list(data['Layers'].unique())
#Synthesis of the results
gp1 = data.groupby(['Algorithm','Layers','Activation','Percent_NA'])
nb_rep_vers = gp1['Version'].agg(['count']).iloc[0].unique()
#Calculate mean et std for the chosen algorithm
res_RMSE = gp1['RMSE'].agg(['mean','std','count'])
res_algo = res_RMSE.loc['{}'.format(algo)]
#Plot the results
c = ['blue','red','green','darkviolet','orange','lightgreen','deeppink','coral','skyblue']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(35,20))
if algo != 'MIWAE':
i = 0
for k in layers:
color = c[i],
label = str(k+' relu'),
marker = 's',
capsize = 6,
elinewidth = 4,
lw = 5)
eb_tanh = ax.errorbar(NA,
color = c[i],
label = str(k+' tanh'),
marker = 's',
capsize = 6,
elinewidth = 4,
linestyle = 'dashed',
lw = 5 )
i += 1
i= 0
for k in layers:
color = c[i],
label = str(k+' relu'),
marker = 's',
capsize = 6,
elinewidth = 4,
lw = 5)
i += 1
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=50)
ax.set_xlabel('Percentage of NA', fontsize = 50)
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize = 50)
#ax.legend(fontsize = 40, loc = 'lower right')
ax.set_title('{1} \n {0} - Result by structure and percentage of NA'.format(algo, nom_data),fontsize = 55)
#Sauvegarde du graphe au format png
fig.savefig(path + 'Results {0} for {1}.png'.format(nom_data,algo))
path = path
nom_data = nom_data
nom_fichier = 'Results_{0}.csv'.format(nom_data)
#Import the results
res = pd.read_csv(path + nom_fichier, sep=';')
#Export the results
with open(path + 'Results_'+nom_data+'_best.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file,delimiter=';')
for a in ['mean','RF','PCA']:
for n in res[res['Algorithm']== a].iloc[:,0:6].values:
data = res[res['Algorithm']!= 'mean']
data = data[data['Algorithm']!= 'RF']
data = data[data['Algorithm']!= 'PCA']
NA, Versions, Algos = list(data['Percent_NA'].unique()), list(data['Version'].unique()), list(data['Algorithm'].unique())
#Calculate the mean and sd for each combination of algo/percentage of NA/version/structure/activation function
gp1 = data.groupby(['Algorithm','Percent_NA','Version','Layers','Activation'])
res_RMSE = gp1['RMSE'].agg(['mean','std'])
#Values are ranked by RMSE
res_RMSE = res_RMSE.sort_values(['Algorithm','Percent_NA','Version','mean'],ascending=True)
#Export mean of RMSE moyen for each combination
for algo in Algos:
for na in NA:
for vers in Versions:
interm = res_RMSE.loc[algo,na,vers]['mean']
struc_acti = list(interm[interm == interm.min()].index[0])
rmse = res_RMSE.loc[algo,na,vers,struc_acti[0],struc_acti[1]]['mean']
with open(path + 'Results_' + nom_data + '_best.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file,delimiter=';')
For each average RMSE is also indicated the 95% confidence interval, hence the need to do at least 2 repetitions to avoid any error in this part. Note: In order to take into account the PCA, you have to execute the associated R code and copy the results at the end of the 'Results_' + nomdata + '_ _best.csv' obtained previously.
#Import results
data = pd.read_csv(path + 'Results_' + nom_data + '_best.csv', sep=';')
NA = data.iloc[:,1].unique()
vers = len(data.iloc[:,2].unique())
#Synthesis of the results : calculale mean and sd of RMSE by algorithm and % of NA
gb = data.groupby(['Algorithm','Percent_NA'])
synth = gb['RMSE'].agg(['mean','std'])
#Export results
synth.to_csv(path + 'Synthesis of the results {}.csv'.format(nom_data), sep = ';')
#Number of algorithms
algos = list(synth.index.get_level_values('Algorithm').unique())
#Plot results
c = ['blue','red','purple','darkgreen','orange','lightpink','k']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(35,20))
for k in range(0,len(algos),1):
if algos[k] != 'MIWAE':
color = c[k],
label = algos[k],
marker = 's',
capsize = 6,
elinewidth = 2)
color = c[k],
label = algos[k],
marker = 's',
capsize = 6,
elinewidth = 2)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=35)
ax.set_xlabel('Percentage of NA', fontsize=35)
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35)
ax.legend(fontsize = 20, loc = 'lower right')
ax.set_title('Results for all the algorithms - {}'.format(nom_data),fontsize = 40)
#Sauvegarde de la figure dans le dossier
fig.savefig(path + '{}Results for all the algorithms.png'.format(nom_data))